Thursday, May 22, 2008

I'm going to use this online journal to recount my adventures in the future. I like that better than sending out the occasional mass email. If you really want to know how I'm doing, just look here.

Soon, I will be beginning Peace Corps service. I will leave Madison on June 7 and go to Philadelphia for 3 days for training before flying to Ghana, West Africa. I will train for 3 months near Accra, the capitol of Ghana, and I will be learning at least 2 local languages, as well as going through cultural training and learning how to do my job: teaching science at the secondary level. After my training, I will be placed at a site in a small community in Ghana. I will be the only Peace Corps volunteer in the community and likely the only American in the area. I will teach at a school and have a simple living situation that may or may not include electricity or running water. I will probably only have internet access once in a while. I will teach in Ghana for two years. After that, who knows?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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A badly copied/modified T-Rex--Toby could do much better!