Friday, July 3, 2009

STARS and Mid Med

The STARS Conference in Kumasi was a lot of fun and I think my students, Grace and Alfred, benefitted a lot from the experience. check out the STARS website for lots more details about the event. I even wrote some of the content.

I only got a few days at site and now I'm traveling again. At the TSO, we had a little 4th party on the 2nd, and then I'm going down for an actual 4th tomorrow at the KSO. Should be a good time and fun bbq. I'm not missing anything at school, we have mid term break for the rest of the week. Actually, I'm on my way to Accra for my Mid-service Medical check up. They're gonna give me a physical, sample some body fluids, and look at my teeth, too! We are scheduled in groups to have the mid med done, so it's a chance for me to hang out with some friends in Accra for 3 days. They have fancy stuff in Accra like cheeseburgers and shopping malls.

Also pretty awesome, Rachel is coming to visit me! she gets into Accra about the time i finish with the med, so I'm gonna take her with me down to the beach and then back up to site, give her a little ghana tour.

Also, to celebrate my birthday, I gave myself a little gift. When I first got to site, I put half of my underwear away to protect them from rigorous handwashing. For my birthday, i gave myself almost new undies! They feel really nice, I'm wearing some right now! I also put a new blade in my razor. smooth.


1 comment:

Mary said...

What a wonderful experience for your students, and fun for you too! Love, Mom.