Saturday, November 14, 2009


Around here it's the end of the wet season, the harvest is finishing, and people are eating well. It's the season of change, suddenly i can see 10 times as far because everyone cut down their millet. The grass is starting to get brown because it hasn't rained in a few weeks. Pretty soon it will officially be dry season. Then, no insects, no clouds, no work for most people and no water. Dry season is relaxing time unless you are a child, woman, or salaried worker (or a volunteer worker). It's the holiday season in the states, eh? We are getting together at the Tamale Sub Office for Thanksgiving and that should be fun, but otherwise, I'm focusing on teaching. I'm still teaching Science and ICT. Typing practice in the classroom and computer practicals in the afternoons in small groups since we have only 5 computers and thy are set up at the nearby catholic mission since we don't have electricity at our school. It works out, and the kids sure are excited about their computer time. So far, we have learned how to turn on the computer, use the mouse, click, double click, open and close windows, minimize and maximize windows, resize and move windows, and use microsoft paint. Paint is one of my favorite programs, and the kids are pretty excited when they realize they can draw on a computer. Mostly, though, they ask me how to erase. not sure why. The pen pal project with East Junior High in Wisconsin Rapids is going on again, too. My kids are going to write response letters to their american penpals. They love it.

Take care, love to all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Backspace is one of my favorite keys, it gives the illusion of no mistakes! It's good to hear that your students can try out the real thing, have fun with it. L.Mom.