Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween at the Dance Club

It's one of my favorite holidays, no religious overtone or expectation to travel or do any specific thing except have fun. Ghanaians don't know about Halloween, which is unfortunate. The do get the concept of trick or treating, but they do it for Christmas when you are walking down the street. Anyway, i'm trying to help them learn.

I explain to friends that Halloween is an important American holiday where people dress up in costumes, go to parties and get drunk! It is also a time for playing jokes on your friends and also people you don't know, but i've never been that into that aspect. While all of you back home do it up big time, think of me as you roam State St. in the midnight glow of giant spot lights and greet the herds of riot gear-clad soldiers for me. But hold your breath when the tear gas hits.

Last night i went with some other volunteers to the opening night of Bolga's hottest dance club, Celebrity. My friend Kimo, who djs the AIDS radio show with me, also manages the club, so we got a discount, but others were paying more than I make in a day to get in. It was totally a fancy night club, like from anywhere. Lots of very skimpily clad ladies and fancied up dudes were getting down and drinking expensive small beers. The Music was really loud and the lights flashed and smoke machine periodically made way too much smoke. With all the air conditioners it was still a little stuffy. Over all fun, but i wish more of my dancing buddies were there (good times at IQ night). Ghanaians love to dance, and there was plenty of bumping, grinding and general booty dancing by men and women. There's no problem dancing with people you don't know, and i grinded on and was grinded on by some men and women. i think i was the only white guy there, but there were an assortment of white ladies around. I tried to explain to one very enthusiastic dancer that white ladies don't usually like being grabbed without permission. He thanked me for the advice.

The club is fun, but i can't do it that often. It's exhausting and expensive. Tonight there is a party at one of the new VSOs houses. It's a "fancy dress party" so I'm gonna get dressed up all fancy. You'll see pictures. Enjoy the all that don't be too bad. send me your pictures and love. greet old friends.


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